Forward looking – We more or less have planned the trips for our last 5 weeks in South East Asia. Currently, we are on our way to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia where we will fly directly to Kota Kinabalu, Borneo.


We heard a lot of good stories of friends or travellers we met during our trip so far who told us that Saba, Borneo is one of the best spot they’ve been in South East Asia. Therefore, we made up our mind to go too. We are planning to do a trip in Borneo where we will hike on a mountain through the jungle for a couple of days.


Next stop will be the beautiful islands of the Philippines. We will go to an island called Palawan where we start a sailing / adventure trip in El Nido with TAO Philippines for a week. Sleeping on lonely islands and beaches where we can interact with the locals (commercial video here).

After that paradisiacal trip we don’t know yet where we will go next in the Philippines. We are interested in attending a surf course. So let’s see where we will find a good spot for starters especially for me 🙂
If anybody knows a good spot in the Philippines please let me know and leave a comment below.

Overall, our next fix point will be India. We are going to be in New Delhi on the 15th of March. I am looking forward to that but first we will have some more adventures in Asia.

Next ideas

We are thinking in doing a stop in Siem Reap, Cambodia to see the Angkor Wat temples and also to inform us a bit about the Red Khmer episode and Cambodia’s history in general.

A next possible stop, depending on the time, could be Myanmar. Again, we heard a lot of good stories about that country if it is from my Dad or from random travelers we met.

Around the world


This part is still a bit up in the air and we are happy to get some recommendations of you if you have some. In total, we have 5 more weeks to travel in South East Asia until our next fix point that will be India.

We keep you guys up to date.




2 Kommentare

Lucas · Februar 9, 2018 um 4:45 am

Siargao, hands down ????

Janine · Februar 9, 2018 um 5:46 pm

Laos chani au no empfehle…isch zwar scho 7Jahr her wo ich xi bin. Det isch eifach alles no en Zacke längsämer und gmüetlicher we z.B. Thailand. Und Beer Lao gits au nur det ???? lg Janine

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